My Fast & Delicious, Healthy Breakfast Oatmeal – 3 Ways!

For as long as I can remember I've always had some form of Oatmeal for breakfast. As a kid, I remember falling in love with the sugar-loaded, instant, brown package, single servings of Quaker Peaches and Cream! As an adult, my oats have evolved into being MUCH healthier.

Why Oats, you ask? In case you need convincing, here's just a few Oat facts to have you fall in love:
- Research shows that eating oatmeal daily may have some AH-mazing benefits which include but aren't limited to...
- reduce risk of heart disease
- lower cholesterol
- reduce high blood pressure (soluble fiber)
- reduce risk for type 2 diabetes
- Oatmeal is quick and convenient
- Great choice of complex carbs, and soluble fiber, has vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Pick Your Oat:
- Old-Fashioned
- Steel Cut Oats
- Quick Oats
- Oatmeal alternatives can be used for these recipes (Quinoa Flakes, Cream of Rice)
Recipe #1: "Out the Door 5 Minutes Ago" Oats
Affectionately named for the maxed out momma who has, legitimately...2 minutes.
- Glass, 'on the go' bowl (If you don't own any, I've dropped a link below... the LOCK top is vital, trust me)
- Oats 40-50 grams OR ½ cup
- 40-50 grams Organic blueberries and or strawberries
*Measure out desired amount of dry oatmeal in glass 'to go' bowl, add a little more than 2x as much water as oats.
Throw in microwave for 2 min.
Clean and measure out desired amount of berries while oats are cooking.
Grab 'to go' spoon, toss it in your bag. When oats are done, toss in berries.
Secure lid on tightly.
On your commute the heat will perfectly soften your berries, and the berries will sweeten your oats. Grab spoon out of your purse, wipe it off on the back of your shirt (JK, maybe) Enjoy!
Recipe #2: PB&J Oats (This is my all time fav!)
I call this my Saturday/ Sunday oats, because I have time to sip my coffee while putting this together with love!
- Glass 'on the go' bowl
- Steel Cut Oats 40 grams OR ½ cup
- Strawberries and OR Blueberries 60 Grams
- Cinnamon
- 'Crazy Richards' Peanut Butter (trust me on this brand... it can be hard to find so I will add a link)
Note from a peanut butter enthusiast: watch your ingredients when choosing peanut butter. Most brands add palm oil, (and other things) to keep the peanut butter from separating. If you can't find Crazy Richards brand, then look for a peanut butter than is JUST peanuts. Also, with real peanut butter, when you first open it,... you must COMMIT to THE STIR! Don't half ass it,... you will be sad later when there's only hard chucks in the bottom.... Then once stirred... LIKE YOU MEAN IT,... store the container upside-down. Don't ask me why, but it keeps it mixed up longer.
Measure out your oats, you may stove cook them if you like. I literally NEVER use the microwave, except for oatmeal. Go figure... If your putting them in the microwave add a little more than 2x water than oats. 2 min in your glass bowl.
Remove from microwave and stir in a ¼ teaspoon Cinnamon.
Toss in your berries of choice.
Grab a spoon, dip into your Crazy Richards and DRIZZLE zig- zags of Peanut Butter across your Oats. Go from egde to edge... make it pretty ladies! (write your initials, whatever makes you HAPPY)
Cover glass bowl with lid for 5-10 min and let flavors get melty... ENJOY
Recipe #3: Pretty As A Peach Overnight Oats
(Prep the night before)
- Glass Jar, OR Glass 'on the go' bowl
- Old Fashioned Oats 40 grams OR ½ cup
- 1 cup Almond or Coconut Milk (or water works just fine)
- Cinnamon
- Dash of Citrus Zest
- ½ Tsp Vanilla
- 1 TBLSP Chopped Pecans
- ½ Medium Peach, Diced
Here's my favorite part. Throw it all in a jar or glass bowl. Cover with airtight lid. Then shake it lika salt shaker, that's right girl - SHAKE IT! Put in your fridge, eat in the morning.
Try out these these recipes and let me know what you think in the comments below!!